Use the interactive Phoenix, Arizona road map to explore the city.
Below is the current time and weather for this city, click on the flag for a weather forecast.
Note: This city does not observe Daylight Savings Time, adjust time accordingly.Below is a list of zipcodes that can be found in Phoenix, Arizona. Select a zip code to view a road map of that area of the city.
85001 | 85002 | 85003 | 85004 | 85005 | 85006 | 85007 | 85008 | 85009 | 85010 | 85011 | 85012 | 85013 | 85014 | 85015 | 85016 | 85017 | 85018 | 85019 | 85020 | 85021 | 85022 | 85023 | 85024 | 85025 | 85026 | 85027 | 85028 | 85029 | 85030 | 85031 | 85032 | 85033 | 85034 | 85035 | 85036 | 85037 | 85038 | 85039 | 85040 | 85041 | 85042 | 85043 | 85044 | 85045 | 85046 | 85048 | 85050 | 85051 | 85053 | 85054 | 85055 | 85060 | 85061 | 85062 | 85063 | 85064 | 85065 | 85066 | 85067 | 85068 | 85069 | 85070 | 85071 | 85072 | 85073 | 85074 | 85075 | 85076 | 85077 | 85078 | 85079 | 85080 | 85082 | 85085 | 85097 | 85098 | 85099