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Historic Figures

1768-1813: Indian Chief for the Shawnee Tribe. Tecumseh had great ability as an organizational leader and is considered one of the outstanding Native Americans in American history.
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William T. Sherman
1820-91: Graduate of West Point. Civil War General.
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Ulysses Simpson Grant
1822-85: West Point Graduate, 18th President (1869-1877), Born in Point Pleasant., Ohio.
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John Chapman
1774-1845: Traveled the land to promote orchard tree plantings. Better known as Johnny Appleseed. For 40 plus years Johnny Appleseed continued to wander up and down Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, taking care of his forest nurseries, pruning and caring for them. He helped hundreds of settlers to establish orchards of their own.
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Annie Oakley
1860-1926: World Champion Sharpshooter from Greenville, Ohio. She was a major attraction during 1885 to 1902 at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show performing remarkable feats of marksmanship.
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