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State of New Hampshire


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New Hampshire Historic Figures

Franklin Pierce
1804-69: Franklin Pierce was born in Hillsboro and a resident of Concord. He served as the 14th President of the United States (1853-1857).
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Daniel Webster
1782-1852: He was one of this country's most famous statesmen. Webster was educated at Exeter and Dartmouth before serving in the U.S. Senate. In addition, he was Secretary of State under Presidents Harrison and Fillmore.
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Robert Frost
1874 -1963: He was a noted poet, who gave poetry a fresh turn at the turn of the 20th century, that is recorded in the history of Western literature. He transmuted the sounds of music in poetry, to the poetry sounds of speech. Frost was a four time Pulitzer Prize winner and he held more than fifty honorary degrees.
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Alan Shepard
1923-1998: Born in Derry, Shepard was the first American in space. His historic flight was made in 1961.
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Horace Greeley
1811-72: Greeley was born in Amherst and founded the New York Tribune in 1841.
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