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State of New Hampshire


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Reverse coin side (tails) of the New Hampshire quarter.
(United States Mint image.)
New Hampshire State Quarter
The New Hampshire quarter, the ninth coin released under the 50 State Quarters® Program, honors one of the state's most unique natural attractions, "The Old Man of the Mountain." The state motto, "Live free or die," and nine stars, signifying the fact that New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the Constitution, complete the design.

"The Old Man of the Mountain" was a distinctive rock formation on Mt. Cannon in the Franconia Notch gateway to northern New Hampshire. From the right view, this unique rock formation, comprised of five layers of Conway red granite -- depicted the distinct profile of an elderly man gazing eastward. Geographers believe that the layers of granite were formed by the melting and slipping away action of an ice sheet that covered the Franconia Mountains at the end of the glacial period 2,000 to 10,000 years ago. Until it crumbled in early 2003, the formation measured over 40 feet high with a lateral distance of 25 feet.

Quarter Specifications
Release Date: August 7, 2000
Reverse (tails) Side: Live Free or Die/The Old Man of the Mountain
Engraver: William Cousins
Standard Weight: 5.670g
Standard Diameter: 24.26mm (0.955 in)
Thickness: 1.75 mm
Edge Detail: Reeded
Composition: Cupro-Nickel Clad
(8.33% Nickel / 91.67% Copper)

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